Goodfellow’s tree kangaroo

goodfellow's tree kangaroo ornate tree kangaroo Dendrolagus goodfellow New Guinea rainforests montane tropical forests IUCN endangered overhunting habitat loss illegal trade

goodfellow’s tree kangaroo ornate tree kangaroo Dendrolagus goodfellow New Guinea rainforests montane tropical forests IUCN endangered overhunting habitat loss illegal trade


Goodfellow’s tree kangaroo – is native to the rainforests of New Guinea, and is listed as endangered since 1994 as a a result of overhunting and human encroachment on their habitat. Species endemic to only one island are extremely vulnerable to any human activity.

The original design was made primarily for being printed as a poster, but you can find modified versions – more suitable for t-shirts, hoodies etc. – in my store:

All my profit from this series goes to the Sea Shepherd to support their fight to save our oceans and marine wildlife.

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