Whooping crane

whooping crane Grus americana North America migratory populations endangered unregulated hunting habitat loss conservation efforts USFWS recovery plans

whooping crane Grus americana North America migratory populations endangered unregulated hunting habitat loss conservation efforts USFWS recovery plans


Whooping crane – is one of only two crane species found in North America. The species was pushed to the brink of extinction by unregulated hunting and loss of habitat by 1941, with only 21 wild and two captive individuals. Conservation efforts have led to a limited recovery, but the species is still severely endangered by habitat-issues and illegal shooting.

The original design was made primarily for being printed as a poster, but you can find modified versions – more suitable for t-shirts, hoodies etc. – in my store:

All my profit from this series goes to the Sea Shepherd to support their fight to save our oceans and marine wildlife.

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