Steller’s sea cow

stellers sea cow Hydrodamalis gigas marine mammal dugong manatees North Pacific Commander Islands hunting meat skin fat fur trade extinct 18th century

stellers sea cow Hydrodamalis gigas marine mammal dugong manatees North Pacific Commander Islands hunting meat skin fat fur trade extinct 18th century


Steller’s sea cow – was a sirenian, discovered by Europeans in 1741 around the Commander Islands in the Bering Sea. Within twenty-seven years of discovery by Europeans, the slow-moving and easily caught mammal was hunted into extinction for its meat, fat, and hide…

The original design was made primarily for being printed as a poster, but you can find modified versions – more suitable for t-shirts, hoodies etc. – in my store:

All my profit from this series goes to the Sea Shepherd to support their fight to save our oceans and marine wildlife.

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