As most children, I used to love (and still do love :)) to be in, on, under or near any kind of water – be it our bathtub, a swimming pool or a huge lake. But I was already around 18 when I got to the sea for the first time in my life, so growing up my relation to the sea was based only on books and films. I was fascinated by the European history of discovering the oceans, seas and continents of our planet, the stories and adventures of sailing on sea, and all the ancient legends and tales telling about the secret life of the waters. The sea has always been a magical place for me where anything could happen; a place where there’ll always be territories and creatures unknown; a place that is somehow connected to other worlds existing only in our imagination.
This very personal relationship was the base of creating my series: most of the 12 images aren’t conventional seascapes. The title “ Sailing seven seas “ is a reference to the time when the waters of the known world were marked as seven main regions, and the Sea was the big, dangerous and mystical Unknown…
Premium quality framed, acrylic and metal prints of this series are available in my print store.