The North remembers

the north remembers weirwood tree winterfell game of thrones GOT goodswood stark family wolf wolves

the north remembers
weirwood tree winterfell game of thrones GOT goodswood stark family wolf wolves


The North remembers – One of the details of the world of G.R.R.Martin’s Game of Thrones that got my imagination was the idea of the ever returning winters of unpredictable length. When I was creating this winter series it was often on my mind, and eventually this gave its title – Winter is coming. This piece – The North remembers – was inspired by the weirwood trees and the legends of North. For a long time I wasn’t sure about the color of the wolf (I made a grey and a white version too), but for some reason I think if Ned Stark would have had a direwolf, it would have been black…




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