Black footed ferret

American polecat prairie dog hunter Mustela nigripes endangered IUCN North America USFWS conservation captive breeding program reintroduction back from extinction

American polecat prairie dog hunter Mustela nigripes endangered IUCN North America USFWS conservation captive breeding program reintroduction back from extinction


Black footed ferret – the American polecat is native to central North-America. The species was extinct in the wild in 1987, mainly because of habitat loss, fur trade and diseases, but thanks to a successful captive breeding and reintroduction program of theU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service they are listed ‘only’ as endangered since 2008.

The original design was made primarily for being printed as a poster, but you can find modified versions – more suitable for t-shirts, hoodies etc. – in my store:

All my profit from this series goes to the Sea Shepherd to support their fight to save our oceans and marine wildlife.

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